Monday, September 29, 2008

In the Bathroom

Traders are hot. I love a “take charge” kind of man, and I’ve found this characteristic to manifest copiously in traders.

The other night, while at a bar with a friend, I excused myself to visit the restroom. When I emerged from the stall, a man grabbed me and thrust me up against the wall. I was unafraid but a little surprised because his friend, not he, had been hitting on me all night.

Long story short, he claimed he has the assets to buy out the company I work for (he says this without knowing where I work). Yeah, right, and I can speak twenty languages including Tagalog and Double Dutch.

But I did find his confident, commanding persona really sexy.

It’s too bad so many take-charge, confident, commanding men are hopeless assholes. So many, but not all. I'm holding out for that rare gem.

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