Sunday, August 10, 2008

She-Wolf Ravishes Grocery Store Patron

My fertility peaked yesterday. I know this because I stumbled upon a fertility calculator while on a general health Web site (You can find the calculator here:, and couldn’t resist trying it out. The result came as no surprise because I’ve felt like a veritable she-wolf the past few days. In fact, Friday night I caught myself looking at one of my male friends in a way I have no business looking at him. Thank goodness I didn’t have plans last night because the she-wolf was ready to draw blood.

At some point over the course of the weekend I indulged in a bout of self pity and lamented the fact that the she-wolf must go hungry. Don’t worry, there’s no need to join in the pity party: this she-wolf is abundantly familiar with deprivation. It’s been many moons since I’ve had someone at my sexual beck and call, and I’ve never had anyone I love at my sexual beck and call. Of the three men I’ve been in love with, I wasn’t sexually intimate with two (including the love of my life featured in the previous post), and the third was primarily a long-distance relationship. This discovery is exciting for me. When you reach your thirties, sometimes you imagine there are no firsts left. Now I have something amazing to look forward to!

Random observation: In any given week in nyc, perhaps the most hostile place you can find yourself is in a grocery store at 5 p.m. on a Sunday. We all know this, and as much as we try to avoid it, we find ourselves pursing our lips and squaring our shoulders as we enter the ring. This is exactly where I was today at 5 p.m. It’s every person for him-/herself. I am a firm believer in making a contribution whenever I have the opportunity, and this is no exception. You know the slow, indecisive woman standing smack in the middle of the aisle? She has precisely one second to move out of my way. I’m not proud of this. I am generally a kind-hearted, even sweet person, but if I were kind-hearted and sweet in the grocery store at 5 p.m. on a Sunday, I would still be in the grocery store at 9 p.m. on a Sunday. And that’s just not how I want to spend my Sunday evening.

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